The company paperpack SA. disclose the following: On Nov. 7 2012, Wednesday at 11:00 am. took place at the Company's headquarters in Kifissia, Attica, on the road Viltanioti 24, The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on by 4-10-2012 Προσκλήσεως of Chairman of the BoD.. At the meeting attended in person or by proxy shareholders three, sold shares representing 69,03% of all Company shares, i.e. 8.186.425 common registered shares with voting rights of members of all 11.859.270 common shares with voting, divided the total capital of the company. Having gathered the information required by law and the Company's quorum and majority, the General Assembly voted in favor of all agenda items as follows: TOPIC 1st: The General Assembly decided unanimously, with 100% shareholders attending, increasing the nominal value of shares from 0,30 € per share to 0,90 € per share, by reducing the number of shares (reverse split) company from 11.859.270 ordinary shares in 3.953.090 ordinary shares, with simultaneous release 3.953.090 new ordinary shares and distribution to shareholders by a ratio (1) new share for every three (3) old. Details: Valid votes: 8.186.425 (i.e. 69,03% of the share capital and 100% shareholders attending) For: 8.186.425, Against: 0, Abstention: 0.   TOPIC 2nd: The General Assembly decided unanimously, with 100% shareholders attending, the μείωση of Μετοχικού Κεφαλαίου of the company Against το ποσό των  2.371.854€ με μείωση of nominal value των shares from 0,90€ to 0,30€ per share and συμψηφισμό ζημιών εις νέο EUR 2.371.854€. Details: Valid votes: 8.186.425 (i.e. 69,03% of the share capital and 100% shareholders attending) For: 8.186.425, Against: 0, Abstention: 0. TOPIC 3rd: The General Assembly decided unanimously, with 100% shareholders attending,  the Amendment of Article 5 of Incorporation and codified into a single document as follows: ARTICLE 5th:  ΜΕΤΟΧΙΚΟ ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΟ – SHARES

XV. The Extraordinary General Meeting of 7 November 2012, the increase of the nominal value of shares from 0,30 € per share of 0,90 € per share, by reducing the number of shares (reverse split) company from 11.859.270 ordinary shares in 3.953.090 ordinary shares, with simultaneous release 3.953.090 new ordinary shares and distribution to shareholders by a ratio (1) new share for every three (3) old. At the same time it was decided to reduce the share capital of the Company in the amount of 2.371.854 € by reducing the nominal αξίας των shares from 0,90€ to 0,30€ per share and συμψηφισμό ζημιών εις νέο EUR 2.371.854€. Thus, the share capital of the company amounts to 1,185,927 euros (1.185.927,00) divided into 3,000,950 thousand ninety three (3.953.090) ordinary shares, nominal value of thirty minutes (0,30) Euro each.

Details: Valid votes: 8.186.425 (i.e. 69,03% of the share capital and 100% shareholders attending) For: 8.186.425, Against: 0, Abstention: 0.   Download here Decisions By The General Assembly the pdf.